Regretting Transition for Gender Dysphoria

Supporters of gender-affirming therapy (GAT)—transition affirmation—are doubling down on claims that regret and detransition are rare. From state-level bills in my home state of California to national policy initiatives from the federal administration, the assertion that transitioning for gender dysphoria is all but regret free is used as a promotional tool for the proposed mandating of GAT essentially on request. However, the sales pitch does not hold up to inspection.

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Gender Dysphoria Fact Sheet

Gender identity issues are complex in today’s culture. “Transgender” individuals refer to their “gender” as a sexual identity that is different than their biologic sex on the basis of an internal sense or feeling. Th is self identification differs from their biological sex, and it takes priority over their physical biology as recognized in their chromosomal DNA and innate physical sexual characteristics.

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The Cass Review: Final Report


Dr Hilary Cass has submitted her final report and recommendations to NHS England in her role as Chair of the Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people.

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Christian Medical & Dental Associations celebrates victory in federal court that sets nationwide precedent


Bristol, Tenn.—November 29, 2022—Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), which is the nation’s largest faith-based professional healthcare association, today is celebrating a final victory in its federal court case to protect the religious beliefs of healthcare professionals from being forced to perform gender-transition procedures or abortions against their conscience and best medical judgment.

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