College Campuses



Campus Related Resources: & Articles

Biden’s DOJ Threatens To Abandon Legal Protections For Religious Colleges

The Biden Department of Justice briefly instigated outrage from progressives recently when it filed a routine legal brief promising to defend Title IX’s statutory exemption for religious colleges. The DOJ filed the brief to fend off efforts by religious colleges, some of whom are represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, to intervene in a lawsuit brought by 40 past and present LGBT college students who claim the exemption violates the U.S. Constitution.

Pompeo Says Campus Censorship Poses ‘Staggering Risk’

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argues that censorship on U.S. campuses is one of his biggest concerns, posing more of an imminent risk than international threats. In an interview set to air Sunday with radio host John Catsimatidis on The Cat's Roundtable on WABC 770 AM-N.Y., Pompeo called out efforts to silence unpopular points of view.

Biden Administration Backtracks Amid Religious Exemptions Backlash

Is the religious exemption carved into Title IX constitutional? The Biden administration seemed to think so. However, after receiving backlash for that stance, the administration is backtracking.

Federal Court Issues Commonsense Win for Campus Religious Group at Wayne State

Campus groups, students, and professors who aren’t interested in kowtowing to groupthink on issues concerning their own faith and constitutionally guaranteed rights have had a run of good luck lately in federal courts.

Clarence Thomas Delivers Decisive Ruling in Religious-Free-Speech Case

Student Chike Uzuegbunam, an Evangelical Christian, was told that if he wanted to evangelize his faith to his fellow students, he would have to apply three days in advance for a permit, and then confine his activities to one of the two free-speech zones.

Commentary: Adele Keim — Seeking justice, regardless of the price

What’s the price tag on constitutional rights? That was the question the justices were discussing when Justice Elena Kagan brought up Swift and her case against a radio host she accused of improperly touching her. Swift asked the court for just $1, which in legalspeak is called nominal damages — a small amount of compensation to acknowledge important but hard-to-measure harm.

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