News & Information
Below you will find latest news and information regarding our work to educate, encourage, and equip the American citizenry and healthcare professionals in particular.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations celebrates victory in federal court that sets nationwide precedent
Gender, Press Releases, Victories
Christian Medical & Dental Associations celebrates unanimous panel decision in federal court to protect women and girls
Press Releases, Victories
Christian Medical & Dental Associations celebrates New Mexico victory to protect healthcare professionals’ conscience objections against assisted suicide
Press Releases, Victories
Christian Medical & Dental Associations praises order from federal court to protect women and girls
Press Releases, Victories

The Voice of Advocacy is a monthly podcast hosted by CMDA's Senior Vice President of Bioethics Jeff Barrows, DO, MA (Ethics), and it features members of the Advocacy team and special guests. Listen to learn more about Advocacy’s grassroots efforts at the state and federal level, legal and legislative victories, plus learn how you can be involved in achieving justice for the vulnerable.

As Christians in healthcare, we glorify God by serving as a voice to the nation and standing in support of life from biblical, scientific and ethical foundations. We do this in part to equip you to defend and care for your most vulnerable patients.
Keeping you informed about the latest legislative and regulatory developments on both the federal and state levels, as well as our efforts to promote biblical values as we seek to protect the vulnerable in our four major issue categories, noted just to the right.